Andreea Vladut / Christa Wall /
Zamfira Ludovica Mureșan / Maria Casandra Hauși
/ collective performance / 27’24’’ /
13. 08. 2023 / Muzeul Satului Baia Mare, RO /
21. 08. 2023 / MATCA artspace, Cluj, RO /
13. 10. 2023 / HOLY HYDRA Festival 2023 / New Millenium Reformed Center, Timișoara, RO /
Moirologue brings together a performative approach to the ritual of grief, merging experimental electronic sounds with laments, doine and hore din grumaz.
The collaboration between Maria Casandra Hauși, Zamfira Ludovica Mureșan, Christa Wall and Andreea Vlăduț tries to recontextualise the ritual of mourning within a contemporary framework that underlines the importance of shared spaces for expressing grief.
The performance provides a given structure for the ones that are in grief, offering a framework on how to fall apart, encompass a changed reality, as well as an environment that welcomes vulnerability.
Moirologue / audio piece /
Moirologue / performance video / Holy Hydra Festival / to be soon uploaded /
Grieving Together - A tradition of Mourning - A Conversation between Andreea Vlăduț, Zamfira Ludovica Mureșan, Filip Veronica, Filip Victoria and Filip Sanfira. /
Exploring Mourning Rituals in Maramureș - A conversation with Zamfira Ludovica Mureșan. /
© Sara Piñeros
Project funded by LinzEXPOrt and supported by Muzeul Judeţean de Etnografie şi Artă Populară Maramureş, Maramureș Village Museum, MATCA artspace and Holy Hydra Festival.
Event realized with the support of the Cluj-Napoca City Hall.