Artificial Lungs
/ sound installation /
09. 04. 2019 / Sonic Experiments, Spatial Delivery, Bruckneruniversität Linz, AT /
2018 / Neue Musik Festival, Brucknerhaus Linz, AT /
25. 10 - 09. 11. 2018 / Visualising the Sound, WASP, Bucharest, RO /
2017 / University of Arts Poznan, PL /
2018 / Neue Musik Festival, Brucknerhaus Linz, AT /
25. 10 - 09. 11. 2018 / Visualising the Sound, WASP, Bucharest, RO /
2017 / University of Arts Poznan, PL /
Artificial Lungs is an ongoing project started in December 2016, in which is present to the public a synesthetic experience of a gentle blowing wind. It focuses on the invisible natural movement of the air and explores shapes and materialities that reorganize the natural phenomenon into a sensorial arrangement of auditory, visual and aesthetic stimuli. Empty spherical objects of glass, ceramics and metal fill the space. Their spatial arrangement and shape harmoniously amplify mutual constitutive flows of air into different tonalities. Sounds, textures and emotions discreetly stream into the air’s movement, enabling the Artificial Lungs to sing the wind’s secret composition.
Technical aspects: When the wind blows into the empty sphere, a higher pressure is created inside the object. The movement of the air circulates uninterrupted between the interior and exterior of the spherical material configuration through a delicate perforation in the walls of the objects. In the natural flux of movements, the pressure inside the globe pushes air back out, forcing more air out than was originally captured within. Thus the objects allow a continuous dynamicity between streaming flows of air. In the interaction between the wind, shape and materiality, energy is transferred into the object and projects a single resonant frequency.

Sonic Experiments. Spatial Delivery, 2019, Bruckneruniversität, Linz, AT
Neue Musik Festival, 2018, Bruckner Haus, Linz, ATSonic Experiments. Spatial Delivery,

Visualizing the sound, 2017, WASP, Bucharest, RO

University of Arts Poznan, PL